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JUL ’21 :: AUG ’21 :: SEP ’21 :: OCT ’21 :: NOV ’21 :: DEC ’21
JAN ’22 :: FEB ’22 :: MAR ’22 :: APR ’22 :: MAY ’22 :: JUN ’22 :: JUL ’22 :: AUG ’22 :: SEP ’22 :: OCT ’22 :: NOV ’22 :: DEC ’22 :: JAN ’23

JUNE 1st DAY 147

JUNE 2nd DAY 148 | Lab

JUNE 3rd DAY 149

JUNE 4th DAY 150 | increase TAC 2mg x2

JUNE 5th DAY 151

JUNE 6th DAY 152 | OHSU Labs

JUNE 7th DAY 153

JUNE 8th DAY 154

JUNE 9th DAY 155 | Dr Jacki Lab | start magnesium

JUNE 10th DAY 156

JUNE 11th DAY 157

JUNE 12th DAY 158

JUNE 13th DAY 159 | Lab

JUNE 14th DAY 160

JUNE 15th DAY 161

JUNE 16th DAY 162 | Lab

JUNE 17th DAY 163

JUNE 18th DAY 164

JUNE 19th DAY 165

JUNE 20th DAY 166 | Lab

JUNE 21st DAY 167

JUNE 22nd DAY 168 | Dr Jacki

JUNE 23rd DAY 169 | Lab Dr Prins

JUNE 24th DAY 170

JUNE 25th DAY 171

JUNE 26th DAY 172

JUNE 27th DAY 173

JUNE 28th DAY 174

JUNE 29th DAY 175

JUNE 30th DAY 176 | Lab

JUL ’21 :: AUG ’21 :: SEP ’21 :: OCT ’21 :: NOV ’21 :: DEC ’21
JAN ’22 :: FEB ’22 :: MAR ’22 :: APR ’22 :: MAY ’22 :: JUN ’22 :: JUL ’22 :: AUG ’22 :: SEP ’22 :: OCT ’22 :: NOV ’22 :: DEC ’22 :: JAN ’23

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