Lunar Eclipse ‘red moon at dawn’
“In the last days, God said, ‘I will pour out my Spirit upon all people your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions and your old men will dream dreams. In those days I will pour out My Spirit upon all My servants, men and women alike, and they will prophesy. And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below…blood and fire and clouds of smoke, the sun will be turned into darkness, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and terrible day of the Lord arrives. And anyone who calls on the Name of the Lord will be saved.”
Acts 2:17-21

The day began as any other day…with the exception of the red moon hanging in the dawns light and my left ring finger which decided to turn black and blue yesterday afternoon while shopping at Target. It was first numb and tingly and turned black and blue within minutes. I didn’t feel weak or dizzy, in fact I felt fine with the exception of a finger that felt as if it were ‘asleep’ and looked ‘dead’. I was able to move it, so it couldn’t have been broken. It felt slightly colder than my other fingers so I went about my day and didn’t call my doctors office until the next morning.
Of course, my doctor was out on vacation being Christmas week and all, so when I explained what happened to the nurse on the phone, she was dumbfounded. “Your finger?” “Hold on please” She came back and told me they wanted me to come in that afternoon to see the Nurse Practitioner. So I got as much done around the house as I could. With a mere three days until Christmas, I still had quite a bit to finish up. My daughter, Lizzie was home on break so we went together to my appointment.
As soon as the nurse saw me and looked at my finger, I knew this was something they were not used to seeing. When the Nurse Practitioner came in, she was perplexed. She asked me what happened, if I had injured it, maybe my rings were too tight, etc. So she left the room and I overheard her talking with the nurse, “Have you ever seen anything like this?” “I haven’t either” “I don’t know” Wow…I’m not feeling so confident at this point.
She comes back and has me hold my arm up over my head explaining it could be one of two things…a broken blood vessel or a blood clot…if my finger turns white while over my head it’s a vessel if it stays the same it’s a clot. Well, let’s just say it didn’t change color. So off to x-ray where she tells me it will come back normal, they just need to make sure. And she had placed a call to the vascular specialist to get his opinion as to what needs to be done next.
In the meantime, I was told to go about my day and she’d be contacting me as soon as she heard from the specialist. Lizzie and I had shopping to do so after an hour I heard back from my doctors office and they have an arterial exam scheduled at the hospital for the next day at 4:45pm. Well, ok…They didn’t give me any other instructions, so I prayed and asked God to go before me and be my peace.
Missed something? Read the entire journey here…